Life has so much to offer…

I am currently sat in a field with a cup of tea (it’s black as the milk has run out) made on a camp stove, the sun is shining, birds are chirping and the rest of my clan are sleeping. In fact I can hear the sound of my husbands content snoring in our tent. …

That not so pregnant glow.

This is a post I have waiting to write for a while now, but I wanted to make sure that I got it right.  So here goes… Honestly over the past few months I have been struggling, not with sickness, tiredness or anything health related but with my body. I had got to the stage…

The buns and bakers

So while it’s quiet at work, I thought I would sit and let you all know a little bit more about us and why I decided to start a blog. Life in our house is busy, noisy and at points resembles a tea party with the Mad Hatter. People think we are crazy (secretly I…

Welcome to our bakery!

Four children, one husband and baby number five on its way.  This blog is all about how I cope with family, work, pregnancy and life in general. I will be sharing the ups and downs of my growing famliy, with honesty, laughs and no doubt some pregnancy related tears. So why not grab a cuppa…